Wednesday, September 28, 2011

So Long, Farewell

For those of you who haven't heard I will be flying back to the states for good December 2.
Julie is coming for the last week. Flying on Thanksgiving Day and flying back with me on the 2nd. We fully intend to do lots of Christmas shopping and sightseeing.

See everybody soon.
With Love

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


I know it's been a while, but now I have something interesting to share.

A young fox has decided my yard is a safe place for a nap. This was the first time hae showed up and he napped most of the afternoon in the middle of the yard (or as they say over here, garden)

Here he is the next week, sunning himself.

Here he is this past Sunday, it was drizzling and so a nap was out of the question.

When he's not around I get these huge doves grazing in the grass.

Should have more soon!