Thursday, March 26, 2009

News From Loudwater

Good Morning (it is just 7:30 AM here),

Some good news, I have bought a car. A 2001 Ford Focus British Drive. Now I need to get my driving license and I'll be foot loose and fancy free. Look out High Wycombe here I come.

As to a house, I have started the paperwork to rent a lovely 4 bedroom house (plenty of room for visitors) in High Wycombe. They are doing the background check, just waiting to hear on that. Hope to be moving by the First of April.

I will try to get maps for everyone and mark on them where my house is located. I will need a map just to find my house and then to find my way back out.

Will let you know how things are going. England has been charming, cold and damp, but charming, but I've said that before.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Tenant from...well you know

Last night I decided to do a bit of laundry. I got the clothes and put them in the washer/dryer and shut the door. Wouldn't you know the handle broke off. So I have laundry in the w/d and can't get it out. At least it's clean.

Earlier in the week I getting up and going for some coffee and when I switched on the living room lights they came on and went out immediately. Now all the lights are off in the apartment. Everything else works like the coffee pot and the TV, but no lights.

So, three times in two weeks already I've had to call for help.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


After being in England for a week, I have found it to be charming. Damp (or downright wet) and cold but charming. I have been operating on jet lag and information overload since I started work last Wednesday. Every time I talk to someone I leave with more paperwork and reading. Today I had a briefing at the housing office, finding out about letting a house and all the complications. Yesterday I actually got my first taste of work. I sat in on two teleconferences. Since I'm not totally aware of the problems I can't contribute much, but the information is valuable.

In the area of it could only happen to me, I ran out of hot water at the apartment earlier this week. Cold water washing is really no fun. Laundry OK, not me. I called and it would seem that something that was supposed to keep the boiler clean was actually clogging it up. Now I have lots of lovely hot water and and am sparkling clean (I know TMI!)

Laundry over here is pretty much a full time thing. The washer and dryer are all in one and it takes all evening to do one small load (read one shirt and two pairs of pants). So I put the clothes in when I get home and check them before I go to bed. Even then it might still take some line drying.

So much for week one. Check back for more next week.

Monday, March 9, 2009

I Made It!!

Sorry, but things have been rather hectic here this first week. I had a nine hour flight from Los Angeles to London (we got in an hour and a half early). Now I'm fighting major jet lag and information overload from the inprocessing and It's not over yet. I still need to find a place to live and a vehicle. It's going to be tough as I would prefer an automatic and most of the cars are manual.

Got through the first weekend without any problem other than almost being blown away on the way back from the grocery. It has been cold and windy and wet (no surprise there) but the sun is shining right now and the temperature should be 11C today. (I'll leave it to you to figure the Fahrenheit temp.)

Will try to put up some of the pictures of where I'm staying and the local area soon.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Ready To Go

Tomorrow is the big day. I board an airplane to take me to LA then I board an international flight and in a bit more than ten hours I will land at Heathrow Airport. Luckily I have someone to meet me and show me around. Wednesday I will inprocess at my new job.

I am equal parts excited, nervous and totally panicked.

Right now as I am typing this I am visited from time to time by Paw-Lee the smaller of my sister's dogs. At just under two feet at the shoulder his head comes right at the level of the computer so he can lick my hand as I type. Nothing like being slimed while trying to concentrate. I will miss them while I'm in England.